Post-consumer textiles
Sorting instructions
Unusable clothes and household textiles can be recycled. Sort dry and clean, unusable clothes and household textiles (Coats, trousers, skirts and shirts & sheets, towels and tablecloths) into post-consumer textiles.
Sort dirty, damp, mouldy, intensively smelling and textile pest containing textiles as mixed waste.
Please pack the end-of-life textiles in a tightly closed plastic bag or waste bag.
Undamaged, neat and clean clothing should be delivered to clothing collections (collection points, recycling centres, Nextiili, flea markets,).
Take end-of-life textiles to Nextiili or to Repe and Romu.
Sort rugs, shoes, handbags, belts, underwear, socks, stockings, pillows, blankets, padding or stuffed toys as mixed waste. If items are undamaged and neat recycle them at flea markets.